This weekend has gone by too quickly!
This morning was a nice one though. Slept in, was lazy.....you know, some of my favorite things. Once we got up and football got started, I decided that I should finally start a project.
Jeremy's mom Kathy had gotten some old windows for me to craft with a while ago, and I could never decide what to do with them. Today I finally dug one out and got to work. I know Halloween is on the way (YAY!) but I was thinking more Rudolph and Santa than Ghouls and Goblins for whatever reason, so I chose to make a Christmas craft.....
This is a "before" of the window:
After cleaning up the glass and the frame, I had to tape off the glass to repaint the frame section. I use FROG TAPE when doing this type of thing. It works much better than regular painter's tape; creates a MUCH better seal. It is a little more expensive but its worth the extra cash. (You know how I hate spending money so it's gotta be good.)
Once you have all of the glass taped off, its time to coat the frame! I used a regular run of the mill white acrylic paint for this. It took 2 coats for me, but the coverage is completely up to you. I wanted a pretty stark white so it didn't take too much.
I think this turned out pretty good, eh?
Okay, so once you have your frame painted, you're ready to go. Like I said, I was feeling Christmas today, so I picked a snowman scene to paint, but that's just me. I thought that it would be pretty easy, and really cute.
Once I had decided what to do, I was all set. I started by taking my white paint again, and with messy strokes started painting in some snow. (A big reason why I picked a snowy scene...I didn't have to be super precise.) I used a "swooshing' motion (Yes, I did make that up.) for the ground and started shaping my snowman. It didn't take too long to do that, and I wound up going over the snow with a glitter paint as well to add a little bit of Holiday sparkle. (This photo is obviously upside down, but it wont let me rotate it. Soooooo I guess just imagine it right side up.)
Now that I have my "base" I started to decorate my snowman. I started with a face, then went on to add buttons, arms, a hat, and a scarf. For the buttons, I used very small "sponge-stamp" brushes. They worked great. I just added some small detail on them to give them a little more life with some metallic copper, and white paint.
I also had to give the scarf some shape and movement with some white. For his nose, I accidentally got some black-ish brown on it, but ended up leaving it alone because I thought that it actually looked okay. Made it look a little bit dirty, or textured. His hat is by far my favorite though. I added some patches, a star, and some holly and I think it turned out super cute! Obviously you can add, or not add whatever you like!
Here is a closer look:
(Again, upside down picture, but you get the idea)
Once the snowman was complete, I just added a "Merry Christmas" message with some holly (I had to add the holly because I didn't space out my text right....I do this ALL the time.) and some more snowflakes to finish it. I outlined the text with the same copper metallic paint, however it didn't pick up really in the photos, but it looks real cute!
Painting on glass proved to be AWESOME because, Oh! I made a mistake?! Well let me just wipe it away! It affords you wiggle room that you don't really get on a traditional canvas.
Plus, when you hang up your creation it looks bangin' for a few reasons
1) It sort of floats in front of the wall on which it hangs and the paint casts a small shadow on the wall.
2) It "goes" anywhere. With the clear glass, it wont ever look out of place since the "background" color will be that of your wall.
3) It's so unique! It's not very often you see something like it!
I hope you guys enjoyed this project as much as I did! If you happen to try it yourself, SEND ME PICTURES! I would love to see how yours turn out!