So sitting here on my lunch break (since I don't get the holiday off.) I am reflecting on the great weekend that I had. (I hope you did too of course!)
I was so excited for Saturday, because I got to go to someplace that I have been DYING to try!
So there is this place in Des Moines called ZOMBIE BURGER + DRINK LAB. It is awesome-sauce. Click
here to look at their boss website. (You'll be glad you did.)
Now, by looking at my blog it might look as though I nice lady like myself wouldn't be totally digging the undead. If this is indeed the conclusion that you have reached, then prepare to have your mind blown - zombies are kind of my fave! So you can imagine my excitement upon learning such a place existed! So after bugging Jeremy for what seemed like forever about making a voyage to Des Moines to try this place, his co-worker (and our friend of course) Jane wanted to celebrate her birthday there. (Her birthday is today by the way. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE!)
So with everything in place, we made the trip up there. The fact that they are so popular, coupled with the other fact that there were 10 people in our party, we had kind of a long wait. An hour and a half or so actually. BUT that was totally fine because we plopped ourselves at the bar, watched the Saints lose (YAY!) and took in the decor.
It was VERY cool. Most of the artwork had kind of a graphic novel sort of feel to it, and it kind of reminded me of The Walking Dead books. I was expecting a little more "cheese" if you will as far as the interior of the place goes. I was happily surprised! They didn't go all out gore, or costumes or anything like that. It was more "realistic" I guess you could say....I don't quite know how to explain it, but it was kind of artsy, kind of industrial, and a lot awesome.

The menus were also a kind of work of art. The do a spin on a newspaper
as if there has already been an outbreak, or infestation. I thought it
was a genius idea! So fun! I happen to love stuff like that. They didn't
over-do anything, it wasn't an in your face THIS IS A ZOMBIE THEME!!!!
It was very much a take it or leave it type thing, and I like to think
they got it just right.
Now, to the food. Oh my Lord, the food! First off, let me just say that there are very few "normal" choices on the menu. (The section of the menu that reads "Gourmet Bashed Burgers" is kind of indicative.)
Jeremy and I made the most of things by ordering two different burgers, splitting them in half, and swapping with each other. So I got to enjoy 1/2 of "The Walking Ched" which was a special grind patty with bacon, cheddar cheese, caramelized and raw onion, and mayo in between a breaded and deep fried macaroni and cheese "bun". Then I also got 1/2 of Jeremy's "They're coming to get you Barbara!" which was a special grind patty, American cheese, caramelized onion, bacon, and zombie sauce with two grilled cheese sandwiches as a bun. Long story short, it was DELICIOUS! Oh my gosh, SO good! Of course with my sweet tooth, I also had with my dinner one of their amazeballs shakes. I had the "zombie bride wedding cake" shake which was vanilla ice cream and yellow cake mix, but I also had it spiked with some cake flavored vodka. YUM! My friend Allison had the "peanut butter banana" shake, which was also delicious.
So now that I have a new favorite place to eat, I HIGHLY recommend that you try it next time you're in Des Moines. Or heck, you should probably even take a special trip up there (or down there depending on your location) just to experience it!